• Russian (Russia)
  • English



Management accounting

Management accounting

3900.00 RUB
7800.00 RUB


The main task of any company in a market economy is the competent management of the organization's resources. In these conditions, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of management accounting in the work of a manager.

The course "Management accounting" is aimed at gaining knowledge in the field of traditional and modern management accounting systems; development of skills of adaptation to the enterprise management system, as well as the use of the potential of each system in solving practical management problems.

The course is designed for specialists who want to improve their qualifications, master skills in the field of management accounting, systematize existing knowledge, get a prestigious position and career prospects. The course plays a leading role for business leaders, heads of financial and economic services, accountants, chief accountants.

Studying the course "Management accounting" will allow students to: • master the principles and tools of modern management accounting; • modern trends in the development of theory and practice of management accounting; • features of the development of management accounting systems, budgeting and approaches to calculating the cost of products and services in Russia. • analyze accounting information for making management decisions.

The course was developed under the guidance of L.R. Khazieva - a leading auditor (expert) in the field of general audit, a member of the SRO of auditors of the Sodruzhestvo Association, a member of the community of teachers and masters of professional education.

Outcome document
Incl. 20 % TAX

The course plays a leading role in the activities of business leaders, heads of financial and economic services, chief accountants.

Course content:
• Theoretical foundations of management accounting
• Costs (expenses) and their types in management accounting
• Calculation
• Management accounting as an enterprise management system
• Allocation and redistribution of costs
• Organizational systems and management accounting options
• Technology for making management decisions based on management accounting
• Budgeting as an essential component
management accounting
• Management accounting and reporting by centers of responsibility and business segments
• Strategic management accounting

When implementing an additional professional program, distance learning technologies (case-learning), e-learning, implemented through online forms, are used.
Listeners are provided with access to the course materials for 90 days.

In the course of training, all participants receive free access to the IPRBooks Electronic Library System and the YURAYT Electronic Library, as well as to the Consultant Plus Help System.

After completing the course, based on the test results, a Qualification certificate and a Certificate of advanced training of the established form are issued.