• Russian (Russia)
  • English



Organization of treasury budget execution

Organization of treasury budget execution

2900.00 RUB
5800.00 RUB


The introduction of the treasury method for executing the federal budget in the Russian Federation characterizes a qualitatively new level of organization of budget execution. The role of the Federal Treasury, its functions related to the budgetary process, are based on regulations, provisions that govern all elements of the budgetary sphere.

The course "Organization of Treasury Budget Execution" plays an important role in the professional activities of specialists and leaders of public sector organizations and state municipal administration.

During this course, students: • get acquainted with the basics of legal regulation of budgetary, financial, currency and banking operations; the structure of the Federal Treasury; methods of financing expenditures of budgets of various levels of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation; • analyze situations related to problems and possible conflicts of interests of individual participants in the execution of budgets in terms of revenues and expenditures; • master the terminology related to the execution of budgets, methods of budget execution.

The course was developed under the guidance of M.V. Makarova - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy

Outcome document
Incl. 20 % TAX

This course plays an important role in the professional activities of public sector specialists.

Course content:
• The role of the Federal Treasury in the budget process
• The main goals and objectives of the treasury budget execution system
• Organization of the treasury budget execution system
• The relationship of budget organizations with the credit system
• The main tasks of the Federal Treasury
in the near future

When implementing an additional professional program, distance learning technologies (case-learning), e-learning, implemented through online forms, are used.
Listeners are provided with access to the course materials for 90 days.

In the course of training, all participants receive free access to the IPRBook Electronic Library System and the YURAYT Electronic Library, as well as to the Consultant Plus Help System.

After completing the course, based on the test results, a Qualification certificate and a Certificate of advanced training of the established form are issued.

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