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Economic security of the enterprise

Economic security of the enterprise

3900.00 RUB
7000.00 RUB


As a result study, students should know: the nature and types of economic security; the structure of economic security; levels and factors of economic security content economic security business entity; organizational and legal framework, principles, factors, mechanisms, methods and means of ensuring economic safety of the business entity; principles of construction and elements of the system enterprise security; Be able to: use methods of disclosing the structure of economic security; to define the interconnection of the levels of the economic security system; identify and analyze risks and threats to the economic security of business entities; develop activities on their localization and neutralization; simulate a support system economic security for various types of enterprises; Own: knowledge about the types and forms of economic security; - methods of analysis of types of economic security country; concepts that reflect the nature of the modern structure economic security. methods of identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to the emergence of threats to economic security business entities; ways to identify, assess, localize and neutralize threats economic security of the enterprise; skills in the formation of models of security systems enterprises. The course was developed under the guidance of D.N. Lapteva - candidate of economic sciences, professor, specialist in economic security.

Outcome document
Incl. 20 % TAX

Course content:

  • Modern structure, types and factors of economic security
  • The concept and content of the economic security of an economic entity - an enterprise
  • Classification and assessment of hazards and threats of an economic entity
  • The main ways to implement threats to business and methods of countering them

When implementing an additional professional program, distance educational technologies (case training), e-learning, implemented through network forms, are used.

Participants have access to the course materials for 180 days.

In the course of training, all participants receive free access to the IPRBook Electronic Library System and the YURAYT Electronic Library, as well as to the Consultant Plus Help System.

After completing the course, based on the test results, a Qualification certificate and a Certificate of advanced training of the established form are issued.